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Please complete this form to attend Church worship in our buildings
Select date or dates when you will attend:
Do you give consent for us to store your data for 21 days after you attend worship?

Thank you for submitting your request.

Important information 

You must wear a face covering when inside church buildings, unless you have a valid reason not to. This helps to protect all worshippers.

Please observe 1.5m social distancing and sanitise your hands when entering and exiting our churches.

Contact information provided on this form will be stored by us for 21 days after the date of worship and may be shared with NHS track and Trace.

You may also be asked to provide contact information when you arrive for worship.

In the event of a Covid-19 case being linked to one of our buildings, we will be contacted by Public Health England. We will release contact details to them and they will contact relevant individuals and advise them of the next steps.

Your data will be destroyed 21 days after you attend worship and will not be used for any other purposes.

Information about how we collect, store and use the data that you submit on this form for the purposes of NHS Track and Trace can be read on this privacy notice.
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