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Helping you to Worship in your home


As you know, the Archbishops of the Church of England have suspended public worship until further notice due to the Covid-19 pandemic.  In their letter to the Church on 17 March, they wrote:


             “We urge you sisters and brothers to become a different sort of Church in these

              coming months: hopeful and rooted in the offering of prayer and praise and

              overflowing in service to the world.”


A booklet has been prepared to ensure that prayer and worship continues, though not in our church buildings because we have had to suspend all worship and other activities in them.

Many of us already pray and study our Bibles at home and we acknowledge it is hard to keep doing this without meeting with other Christians – especially without Sunday worship. 


There are many ways in which we can continue to share in worship together, even if we are not in the same room.  You can set aside specific times of the day and week to pray and worship. You can find a quiet place in your home or garden and enable other members of your household to join you.  Wherever you find a place, please light a candle to create a prayerful atmosphere and use it as a focus for your contemplation and prayer.

You could also try praying with others while still physically distant – for example, over the phone, text messaging, or using video calls.  


The Morning Prayer available on the PDF link opposite can be used for your daily time of worship in your home.  It is simple and will last as long as you make it last. Use the quiet place you have set aside.  It includes two readings; a Psalm and one from the Gospels:

  • For the Psalmody I am suggesting that we read Psalm 91 (included in the text).  There is something special about this Psalm which I hope will bring you comfort during this Covid-19 crisis.

  • For the Gospel reading I suggest that you begin with Mark’s Gospel (it is the shortest!).  We will not read the whole of it in one go, or large chunks at a time. The table opposite tells you which chapter and verses to read each day - gently work your way through.  During the day think about the passage again, and contemplate what happened as if you were there having seen and listened and are now walking away. 


Walking the Labyrinth

Also in the booklet is a ‘finger exercise’ called Walking the Labyrinth.  Please do use it, periodically, when you would like to be in contemplation with God.  The explanation of how to use it is at the end of the Morning Prayer text.

Morning Prayer
and Labyrinth
Daily reading of
St Mark's Gospel
Worshipping in your home - Introduction
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